Things You Should Know About Adding Drivers To Your Car Insurance Policy

Adding more drivers to car insurance policies isn’t exactly a secret life hack that solves a lot of people’s problems. It is widely known and is actually part of how auto insurance policies work. However, it’s not exactly beneficial all the time. Well, at least not to all parties. So let’s check out these things that we ought to know regarding adding drivers to our policies.

It can affect your monthly premiums

Having another driver on your auto insurance policy can change your monthly premium rate. However, there can be instances that it has no effect at all. It all depends on what kind of a driver you are adding to your policy. Understandably, high-risk drivers or drivers that do not have a clean driving history will spike up your premium rates and drivers with a good driving record will have no additional cost.

Teenage drivers will spike up your premium rates

Adding teenage drivers will increase your premium rates. It is widely known that teenage drivers are seen as high-risk drivers. The number 1 cause of death for teenagers are accidents. This pertains to accidents in general, however. But this statistic is a testament to how careless teenagers can be. If you have a teenage driver that will be added to your policy, expect the price to spike up.

Avoid “fronting”

Fronting occurs when the additional driver, like your children or your spouse, has become the main driver of the vehicle insured. Avoid this scenario at all costs as it will lead to invalidation of your policy. If the carrier finds out that this scenario applies to you, any claims made will be declined, and it is also possible for them to take you to court.

Learner drivers cannot be added

Typically, high-risk drivers will mean an increase in the premium rate. However, when it comes to learner drivers, auto insurance companies would never budge. Learner drivers are too much of a risk to be allowed as an additional driver. However, they can take out learner driver insurance policies instead.

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